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Tests Updated December 18 – Please Read

Tests Replaced December 18 – Please Read

At times, tests are replaced because of valuable feedback from our Instructors. The following 7th edition post-tests were replaced on December 18, 2025. These exchanges do not affect the post-test answer keys. If you have printed either of these two tests before December 18, please discard those tests and use the new ones.

Sugar Module Post-Test A – question 7 was changed.

Temperature Module Post-Test D – question 8 was changed.

Empty your Cache if having trouble launching slide modules

We recently made some minor changes to the 7th edition course slides and have uploaded new files to the website. If you previously opened a slide module and now it won’t open, then the first step is to clear your cache because your browser may be looking for an older version. The process to clear your cache varies by browser type (Safari, Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome) so search for instructions as needed.

  • If using Google Chrome, these steps worked for us: Go to the 3 small dots in the upper right, then select Delete browsing data. Change the Time range to: All time. Then, place a checkmark on “cached images and files.” If you don’t want to delete your Browsing history, uncheck that item.
  • Restart your computer, then login to the Instructor Portal. Try opening the slide module(s) again.

If you still can’t open one or more modules after clearing your cache, then please provide a detailed summary of the steps you took and the problem you encountered so we can help. Use the Contact Us form on the website to send us an email.

Tests Updated October 4 – Please Read

Hello Instructors,

Periodically we need to exchange test questions and this is usually because of valuable feedback from our Instructors. Therefore, when preparing for your Learner course, please check Communications for notifications that a test was replaced.


The following 7th edition tests were replaced on October 4, 2024.

Pretest A was replaced because of changes to questions 2, 16, and 21.

Sugar Module

Post Test B – changed questions 3 and 4

Post Test C – changed question 3 to spell out “room air” instead of “RA”

Post Test C – changed question 2

Temperature Module

Post Test A – changed questions 4 and 7

Airway Module

Post Test D – changed question 4


These test exchanges do not affect any of the answer keys.  If you have printed any of these tests before October 4, please discard those tests and use the new ones.

Thank you,

Kris Karlsen PhD, NNP-BC

Program Author/Director

How long can I teach the 6th edition?

Dear Instructors,

We have received questions about whether you can still teach the 6th edition once you have completed the Bridge to the 7th edition training and the answer is YES.  Here is a summary of a few important items pertaining to the Bridge training and teaching the 6th edition:

  • Please be sure to enter your S.T.A.B.L.E. Instructor number when signing up for the Bridge training.  This will expedite your access to the 7th edition material.
  • You will still have access to the 6th edition material after you complete the Bridge training.  You will have access to the 6th edition material and may teach 6th edition courses until March 31, 2025. On April 1, 2025, all access to the 6th edition material will be disabled.  You will still be able to submit rosters for courses taught prior to April 1, through June 30, 2025.
  • The new S.T.A.B.L.E. Foundations module IS included as the first part of the Bridge training. If you take Foundations outside of the Bridge training, you will need to repeat Foundations again when you take the Bridge training.

Please follow the link below to purchase the Bridge training from our online partner, HealthStream.

Allow 24 hours after you complete the Bridge (if you have entered your S.T.A.B.L.E. Instructor number) to receive a reply email from S.T.A.B.L.E. that you now have access to the 7th edition curriculum.

S.T.A.B.L.E. Program Bridge to the 7th Ed. Training for Instructors (includes Foundations)

Thank you for your support of The S.T.A.B.L.E. Program and for sharing your knowledge with others.

Kris, Beth and Mason

Instructor Update

Dear Instructors,

Information about the Bridge to the 7th Edition Training 

The Bridge to the 7th Edition training will orient registered Instructors to the new S.T.A.B.L.E. Foundations requirement for your classroom attendees as well as introduce you to changes in the 7th edition curriculum and testing process.

The course fee is $199 per person. Once you complete the Bridge training, we will activate your access to your Instructor Portal for the 7th Edition which will contain the new 7th edition course slides, tests, and resource center. In most cases, you will have access to S.T.A.B.L.E. Foundations for 2 years once you start the Bridge training. If your facility purchases a license for the Bridge training for you and you leave that Facility, you will lose the ability to login to Foundations. If you purchase the Bridge training on your own, then you will continue to have access to S.T.A.B.L.E. Foundations for 2 years from when you started the training.

Note: The new S.T.A.B.L.E. Foundations module IS included as the first part of the Bridge training. If you take Foundations outside of the Bridge training, you will need to repeat Foundations again when you take the Bridge training.

Rules for Learner Course Roster Submission

  • Only instructors who have completed the Bridge to the 7th edition training or who have attended an instructor course in 2024 or later can be added to a 7th edition course roster.
  • All students who attend an instructor-led class must complete S.T.A.B.L.E. Foundations prior to the Learner course. Visit our shop at to find links to send to your students to purchase Foundations or reach out to a HealthStream rep for a license quote.
  • A Foundations course completion number must be entered when you submit the student roster. The student will need to provide the completion number, which is located on their S.T.A.B.L.E. Foundations completion card.  The student will have access to the CEU certificate and the STABLE Foundations completion card. The completion card will have the number on it.
  • All students must have the 7th edition Learner Manual for use during the course. Please take this opportunity to purchase manuals for your students. Books may be purchased from S.T.A.B.L.E., the American Academy of Pediatrics, or Amazon. An eBook is not currently available. Students must pass the end of module tests with a score of 80% or higher.

Secondary Email Address: The next time you login to the Instructor portal, take note that a Secondary Email box has been added to your Account information. Please take the time to add a second email address. Providing a secondary email address will increase the likelihood that our communications will reach you. S.T.A.B.L.E. does not provide our Instructor’s emails to any outside source.

Instructor Manual: An Instructor Manual is in development and will be available for purchase in the late fall or early winter. When the manual is ready for purchase, registered Instructors will find more information by logging into the Instructor Portal.

Thank you for your patience as we transition to the new 7th Edition.

The S.T.A.B.L.E. Program



S.T.A.B.L.E. Learner Course, January 24 to 25, 2024

Maharat Nakhon Ratchasima Hospital

Nakhon Ratchasima Province, Thailand


S.T.A.B.L.E. Instructor: Wichest Boonyapredee, MD, FAAP

Community hospital, Department of Pediatrics (honorary member)

Munster, Indiana  



I was traveling on behalf of what organization or humanitarian group:

Thai Physician Association of America (TPAA)

Thai Physician Association of America Foundation

All Thai physicians in the US belong to these two organizations. Medical missions are being done through TPAA by medical education and donation of medical equipment. TPAAF is a nonprofit organization and people can donate to their school education fund through TPAAF. TPAAF provides operation funds to TPAA and Red Cross.

The goal of this trip was to provide medical education for nurses and doctors in Thailand by teaching S.T.A.B.L.E. classes including the new cardiac S.T.A.B.L.E. as well as donations of much needed medical equipment to the hospital and enable many TPAA members to share their experience with the medical staff of various departments in the hospital.

Medical equipment donations received by Maharat Nakhon Ratchasima Hospital – 

Transport incubator TR200, Masimo pulse oximeter, Syringe pumps, NST, and Infusion pumps.

TPAA Goals

  • Provide medical education for nurses and doctors in Thailand.
  • Donation of medical equipment to the hospitals in Thailand.
  • Donation for scholarship fund for master’s degree at Harvard school of Public Health for Thai students.
  • Donation for education scholarship fund for poor students in Thailand. 
  • Disaster relief fund for earthquake, flood victims in US, and anywhere in the world.

People are often interested in knowing more about the region you visited. Please describe the community where S.T.A.B.L.E. was taught. 

Maharat Nakhon Ratchasima Hospital is located in the southeast of Thailand 261 km from Bangkok population 2.7 million. It is the largest regional hospital in Thailand providing medical education for medical students, interns, and residents as well as patient care in all specialties. 5000 births annually, three neonatologists covering the 40 bed NICU with the ability to perform therapeutic hypothermia for HIE. It has a total of 1387 hospital beds. 

How many students attended your course and what were their credentials?  

There were 205 attendees – 51 RNs, 154 physicians.

Describe some of the nursing and medical challenges being faced by the S.T.A.B.L.E. course attendees with regard to provision of day-to-day neonatal care: 

Nurses may have some difficulty in English language, so the class was taught as much as possible in the Thai language. The transport incubator received with this trip was just in time as the one on site had just gone out of commission even after repeated repair. 

How do you envision The S.T.A.B.L.E. Program will help the health care providers you taught?

The S.T.A.B.L.E. Program provides an excellent review for common neonatal problems with reminders so the provider does not miss the diagnoses that could lead to serious consequence by providing consistent ways to use the mnemonic enhancing memory and recall. This provides confidence in stabilizing the sick babies before transport. The cardiac module was very useful for all staff including physicians as a learning tool for understanding the anatomy of CHD as well as diagnosing and managing CHD correctly and safely. 

How others can help with your humanitarian efforts

We welcome any donation to TPAAF, our non-profit organization.

Kris Karlsen (STABLE Program Author) is very kind, very generous and very supportive. She gave us a good discount for the manuals to help our medical mission in Thailand, we are very thankful and very appreciative.

In summary, I and our team cherished the whole experience and found that all the students were very excited, attentive, and very happy. 

Thank you very much very much Kris, Beth, Mason, and S.T.A.B.L.E program for the creation of this wonderful neonatal education program.

Materials donated from The S.T.A.B.L.E. Program for your course: 

6th Edition Learner Manuals

2nd Edition Cardiac books. 

6th Edition Learner Course slides on USB. 

2nd Edition Cardiac slide program subscription

Before the class

STABLE Maharat

Class completed

Equipment Donation

 Dr Pichaya Thanomsingh – Course Organizer (2nd from the left) 

Dr. Boonyapredee and his wife 

Gifts of Appreciation given to Dr. Boonyapredee






1. Location where S.T.A.B.L.E. Learner Course was taught

              Tamale, Ghana

2. Report Submitted by:

              Geralyn Sue Prullage DNP, APN, NNP-BC

              Tamale Teaching Hospital


               S.T.A.B.L.E. Learner Course: May 30 and 31st, 2023

               Tamale Teaching Hospital

               S.T.A.B.L.E. Instructor:  Geralyn Sue Prullage, DNP, APN, NNP-BC

                                                        Board Member of Council of International Neonatal Nurses

                                                        Clinical Educator of Community of Neonatal Nursing Practice


               Who attended the Learner Course?

              4 BSc Neonatal Nurse Specialists and 9 General Nurses


               Materials donated from S.T.A.B.L.E. for your course:

              S.T.A.B.L.E. Learner Course Slides 

              Physical Exam and Gestational Age Assessment Slide Program



I was traveling on behalf of the Council of International Neonatal Nursing [COINN] ( This is an organization that has brought together over 5000 neonatal nurses across the world. The purpose of the trip was to train nurses to be experts in the field and to be preceptors.


People are often interested in knowing more about the region you visited. Please describe the community where S.T.A.B.L.E. was taught.

Tamale is in Northern Ghana. It is the largest city in the Northern region of Ghana. Tamale Teaching Hospital (TTH) has a busy neonatal unit that has doctors, pediatricians, advanced practice nurses, medical officers, and house officers. The unit has a well-run kangaroo mother care unit. TTH is the referral center for the northern region.


Describe some of the nursing and medical challenges being faced by the S.T.A.B.L.E. course attendees with regard to the provision of day-to-day neonatal care.

The unit had several actual CPAP machines, but they did not function well due to poor oxygen outlets and no oxygen tanks available. So, most of the babies that needed CPAP were placed on the “traditional” homemade CPAP. There were not enough incubators or overhead warmers for each admission to have their own incubator or overhead warmer. There is no actual transport system. Parents must pay for any transport needed and finances are difficult. So, often babies arrive on the back of motorcycles or the tricycle (a motorized golf cart adapted with seating). Every piece of equipment needed must be paid for by the family.


How do you envision The S.T.A.B.L.E. Program will help the healthcare providers you taught?

The participants are to be the preceptors for new employees and students. The understanding of hypoglycemia and thermoregulation is paramount. I envision that they have a better understanding of the identification and treatment of the things we talked about in the STABLE course. We actually admitted a baby with a subgaleal hemorrhage, and the participants were able to understand what was going on and were eager to provide appropriate care.


People standing behind a table smiling


Students taking the STABLE mixed module (end of course) quiz
This is the group who graduated from the course at TTH. Photo taken on the last day of the STABLE course.


Students taking the STABLE mixed module (end of course) quiz
Students taking the STABLE mixed module (end of course) quiz